The Baddies Book Box

Chasing Love

Kat. T. Masen

He was my first love.
Shattered me, then left without a goodbye.
Eight years have passed, and now he’s back.
But, I’m engaged.
And he will do anything to make sure I’m his…again.

I’ve fought hard to rebuild my life. So when the ever-so-perfect Julian Baker proposes marriage, I’m ready to forget the past and move on with my new love.

In a cruel twist of fate, my past and future collide. I’m forced to face the man who destroyed my heart back in high school.

Lex Edwards, turned billionaire tycoon, is ruthless, cunning, and will not stop until I’m his.

A complicated love triangle was never something I imagined when Julian proposed to me. Especially not involving Lex.
Hearts and egos are bound to be broken.
But whose heart will capture mine when the darkness fades?

Fear The Reapers

Jessa Halliwell

Poor thing has no idea what she’s just gotten herself into.
The sacrificial lamb for her stepfather’s sins.
She foolishly traded her life for his.
One look at her and we knew she didn’t belong.
Beautiful. Innocent. Good.
Everything a world like ours would devour.
If we were better men, we’d let her go.
But my brothers and I are sinful bastards,
And she may be the closest thing to heaven we’ll ever get to taste.
We’ll make use of our little toy
Until she inevitably breaks,
as most porcelain dolls do.
Once we’re through with her,
our good girl won’t just be broken…
She’ll be utterly destroyed.

Mad World

Hannah McBride

I’m Madison.
I spent the last seventeen years in a trailer with my mom as she rolled from one addiction to the next. All I wanted was to survive high school and get out of this place. Finding out I had a long lost twin sister on the other side of the country seemed like something out of a movie.

Too bad I didn’t realize it was a horror movie.

Now I’m Madelaine.
We were only supposed to switch lives for a summer. But then the unthinkable happened and now I have the chance to be my twin for the rest of my life. I get the fancy house, the rich father, and the elite school.

But all of those things come with a price I don’t think I can afford.

Maybe taking over my dead twin sister’s life isn’t as easy as I thought it would be.

Dear Love, I Hate You

Eliah Greenwood

It all started with an anonymous letter. 
He wasn’t supposed to find it—no one was. And he definitely wasn’t supposed to answer it.
We end up talking through letters and sticky notes in a book. One sticky note. Two sticky notes. Ten sticky notes. All baring our darkest, deepest secrets.
It’s all fun and games until I find out who my pen pal is…
Xavier Emery. King of my basketball-obsessed town, my childhood bully, and the guy I am in grave danger of falling in love with.
But the rules were clear: we can never know who we’re talking to, and the confessions can never, ever get out. Seriously. It would destroy lives. 
Fine by me. Even if Mr. Popular does find out his confidant is little old me, it’s not like he’d ever love me back…


Wicked Lies Boys Tell

K. Webster

I’m in love with my best friend.
I’m in love with my enemy.

But they’re the same.
They. Are. The. Same.
Lines in my world are blurry between fantasy and reality.
Truth and lies. Love and hate.

Copeland Justice is my enemy. My once best friend. The sadist in my heart plucking and pulling at every thread of who I am until I’m unraveled at his feet.
His mouth says he hates me. His eyes burn with animosity for me. His heart beats for someone else.

But Copeland Justice is the best liar of us all.

Hold Me Under

Riley Nash

Love is cheap. Love is cruel. Love can’t save us.

Victor Lang had everything—looks, money, fame. A chance to become the greatest swimmer in history. Until a failed dope test brought him crashing down.
According to the rumors, he turned into a recluse, a drug addict, a whore. Broken beyond repair. Incapable of love.
And for some reason, he’s set his sights on me.

A freak accident in his pool throws me into a world of wealth and status and people who are willing to do anything to get what they want. Before I know it, I’m being paid to fly to Italy and pose as his boyfriend. Trapped at his side, I learn what it means to truly hate someone.
Turns out, that’s exactly what he wants.

I can’t save him, and I can’t love him. But as things fall apart and I discover the truths he’s hiding, I learn that hate can be greater than love—an obsession, a prayer, dark days and darker nights, a need to be the only one who hurts him. Hate can heal the worst wounds love leaves behind.
But I have problems of my own, a broken spirit and loved ones to protect. And I’m scared to face the things he’s waking up inside of me.


C.S. Berry

I have almost thwarted the kings of Sherman High. Hiding in plain sight. Completely unnoticeable for years. Until I missed the memo that the few remaining virgins decided to give it up this summer. Now I’m the last. This isn’t a one and done situation. As I’ve never even been kissed, the four of them want all of me. To own me for our senior year. For me to go from untouched to their little pet. If no one will save me, I’ll have to save myself. Enemies to lovers bully romance. XOXOXO

Bad Apple


My name is Harper Apple, and people say I’m rotten to the core.
“Girls like you get one shot.”

When my shot comes in the form of a scholarship to Willow Heights Prep, you can bet your ass I take it. If getting out of this hellhole town means spending my last two years of high school at an elite academy full of rich, entitled pricks, then bring it on.

“Girls like you don’t belong.”

The arrogant and infuriatingly gorgeous Dolce brothers reign supreme in the hallowed halls of Willow Heights, and they don’t welcome my kind. Especially when I get in their way, don’t play by the rules in their twisted games, and refuse to bow to the cruel tyrants who run the place.

“Girls like you are bad news.”

Royal, Baron, and Duke Dolce set their sights on me. They think a poor girl will be an easy target, that they can break me and bring me to my knees like the girls who came before me. But the Dolce boys underestimate me. In this town, even girls from the trailer park hide deadly secrets. Secrets that could destroy them.

After all, it’s those from the wicked world of wealth and privilege with the most to lose.

Spiteful Punks

Madeline Fay

What do you do when you’re so empty inside, you feel nothing?

When all you’ve ever known was pain?
You run.

That’s what I did—I ran away without once looking back.

People say starting over is the best way for a new beginning, but that’s far from the truth if you end up back where you began. Sometimes life likes to throw lemons at you really hard until there’s nothing left to do but make lemonade.

I’ve known pain, but not the kind that messes with my heart.

That is until Logan, Dalton, Trey, and Nicholas came into my life without a warning label.
I’m not prepared, and I’m afraid after fighting since day one…they might just be the reason I finally break.

Start a War

Elle Thorpe

“Do you want some Goldfish crackers, Bliss?”

Those were the last words my brother said to me before he was shot execution style. A childhood code only he and I knew, and one that had a single, clear meaning behind it.


I’m not going anywhere. Not when his murderer is still out there.

To catch a killer, I put aside my life of money and luxury and take over the running of Psychos, a dive bar in the seedy underbelly of Saint View.

But Psychos delivers more than I ever could have bargained for and three men I never saw coming.

Nash, my brother’s best friend. Older and more experienced, he still remembers me as the neglected child he once saved.

War, heir to a biker gang throne and searching for the man who left his mother in a coma. Bonded over a common goal, he introduces me to a world of after-hours clubs, danger, and violence.

And Vincent, the quiet new guy nobody seems to see except me. He’s sweet and quirky, but there’s a darkness in him just waiting to be unleashed.

With every lie we uncover, every secret we expose, the danger mounts.

Until there’s only one thing we know for sure.

The killer is still out there.

And we’re his next targets.

Prey Tell

Amanda Richardson

They say monsters are made, not born.
He was both…

As the second youngest Ravage brother, I’ve spent my entire adult life rectifying our tainted family name and keeping my urges behind closed doors.
Until my best friend’s little sister shows up at The Hunt ready to play, and I lose control.
I tell myself it’s just a taste.
Except, with her, I should’ve known a single taste wouldn’t be enough.
And then the good girl I’ve known most of my life drops to her knees.
For me.
From that moment on, I knew she would only ever be one thing.

Presenting my brother’s best friend with a pros/cons list of why he should take my virginity seemed like a good idea at the time.
I thrive on information, data, and lists, and it made sense on paper.
Until he rejected me and walked out of my life.
Now, eight years later, my life is falling apart despite my careful planning.
Tempted with an invite to Ravage Castle, I show up seeking answers to questions I’m not sure I can handle.
Except, a furious Chase finds me talking to another man.
Under his gilded, arched roof.
I soon learn that despite his controlled exterior, Chase seems to have one weakness.

My Darling Arrow

Saffron A. Kent

Darling Arrow,

I shouldn’t be writing this.

It’s not as if I’m ever going to send you this letter and there are a million reasons why.

First of all, I was sent to St. Mary’s School for Troubled Teenagers – an all-girls reform school – as a punishment for a petty, totally inconsequential crime. Not to ogle the principal’s hot son around the campus.

Second of all, you’re a giant jerk. You’re arrogant and moody and so cold. Sometimes I think I shouldn’t even like you.

But strangely your coldness sets me on fire.

The way your athletic body moves on the soccer field and the way your powerful thighs sprawl across that bike of yours, make me go inappropriately breathless.

But that’s not the worst part.

The worst part is that you, Arrow Carlisle, are not only the principal’s hot son.

You also happen to be the love of my sister’s life.

And I really shouldn’t be thinking about my sister’s boyfriend or rather fiancé (I overheard a conversation about the ring that I shouldn’t have.)

Now if I can only stop writing you these meaningless letters that I’ll never send and you’ll never read…

Never yours,

Wicked Dark Heathens

Lucy Smoke

What tangled webs we weave…

He’s everything I don’t want. A playboy. A beast with a cunningly gorgeous smile. Faces like his only mean one thing. Somewhere underneath all of that handsomeness, there lies a monster.

And if anyone can sense a monster, it’s me.

I understand cruelty. I’ve lived and breathed it for my entire life. I existed on the ‘charity’ of others until I realized that wouldn’t be enough. My demons would soon be let free. They were coming back for me and in order to be ready for them—to be ready for him—I needed to make myself invincible.

But it’s not enough. If I’m going to survive then I need to make an alliance with a monster of my own: Abel Frazier.

Master of Sin

Sienna Snow

It was always him. The one I shouldn’t want, shouldn’t crave, the one who could destroy my carefully built life.

Hagen Lykaios was the essence of sin, indulgence, and danger – everything I knew to avoid.

All it took was one unexpected touch, and he consumed me, left me begging, needy, and hungry for more.

He said if I entered his world he would corrupt me, own me, and change all that I had ever known…and you know what? I went anyway.

The Savage

Daniela Romero

I know her as the unconscious girl I found bleeding out on the locker room floor.

I got her help. I saved her life.
You’d think she’d be grateful.
She isn’t.

The next time I see her, she makes it clear she wants nothing to do with me.
Too bad.

I didn’t go through the trouble of saving her life just for her to throw it away all over again.

Broken & Screwed


Alexandra’s older brother died the night he graduated. That day changed everything for her. No longer was she the party girl. No longer did she care about being popular and no longer was her family the happy unit she always thought existed. The only person who could help her heal is the same person who loved her brother as much as she did, his best friend. She only hopes to keep her entire heart from breaking when Jesse will move on, and she knows he will.

After Ethan died, Jesse excelled at basketball, partying, and girls. He used it all to turn his emotions off, but the irony was that Alex was the only person who could do that for him. She helped him forget, but she was the one person he shouldn’t be with because the secrets he knows could shatter everything. They could shatter her.

Break the Girl

Rachel Jonas & Nikki Thorne

Everyone knows not to cross the campus d-bags. On or off the ice.

You don’t sneak into their house, thinking no one’s watching. You don’t ransack their bedrooms, tripping over hockey gear as you rummage through their things. And you definitely don’t get caught with your head under one’s bed and your size-sixteen backside pointed right at their camera.

Unless, of course… you’re me.

I was so desperate to get my hands on their brotherhood’s Book of Sins that I did all the above. I was in search of proof that could incriminate Tate, my soon-to-be stepbrother and former member of the frat. But not only do I come up empty, I’ve now unknowingly invited three shadows to darken my world.

The most broken and twisted of them all—Micah, Vince, and Ash.

They promise no one has to know I trespassed on their territory. My secret is safe with them, safe from the others, but there’s a cost.

Their silence for my freedom.

I’ll be theirs to control, to own—these sick devils with perfect smiles masking their cold hearts. And if I can’t find a way to beat them at their game… they’ll break my world and my soul into a million tiny pieces.


Harloe Rae

That’s the mantra I’m repeating when a well-equipped biker pulls over to save me. One glance at the scowl Crawford Doxe is wearing proves he isn’t impressed with the task. My efforts to change his mind deflate faster than the shredded tire at our feet. But disgruntled or not, my so-called hero still agrees to fix my flat.

I don’t expect to see Crawford again, but he’s suddenly very visible in our small town. Avoiding him would be my preference. That’s not how this story goes. For whatever reason, my daughter finds an ally in the broody mechanic. Denying her is something I do my best to avoid. I can only hope Crawford’s shine wears off before he tarnishes what little trust still exists.

As if the odds are ever on my side.

Commitments are a foreign concept to him. He doesn’t make any promises to try. That should’ve been enough for me to steer clear. It most certainly isn’t.

What follows can only be described as a disastrous clash of epic proportions.

But one indisputable fact remains. That lone soul has no plans of opening his heart.

Hidden Scars

Andi Jaxon

Charles Preston Carmichael is the most infuriating man I’ve ever met.
I want to sock the golden boy of college hockey right in the mouth.
He enjoys telling me everything I’m messing up. Publicly.
And since he’s my roommate for the next year, I can’t avoid him.

Yet there’s something about him that makes me watch him.
Something dark.
A secret I want to uncover.

When he returns from a weekend away, broken and haunted, I can’t keep my distance anymore.
He needs someone and I’ll be damned if it’s not me.
Soon my life no longer revolves around hockey, but the nightmares he’s living with.
Desperately I want to save him but I can’t, not yet. The timing has to be just right.

Can I watch him destroy himself as he tries to hold tight to the things that matter or will I be the final hit in the destruction of his life?


A.K. Rose

She’s one defiant, forbidden, pain in my as*.
One I can’t touch.

One I can’t train.

But Vivienne is mine. Body. Soul…

And most importantly, her bloodline.

None of them understand how important she is.

But I know.

My sons and I will protect that information – her – to the death to keep it for ourselves.

So, she’ll remain here, under my roof…obeying my rules.

Resisting me at every goddamn opportunity.

Playing her defiant little games with our control.

Until I find my resolve slipping.

I’m cold, calculating.

But I’m a man who finds himself becoming obsessed with her.

And I’m not the only one.

I see the hunger in my son’s eyes.

See the way they react around her.

She won’t be wearing red for us…

Because she won’t be wearing anything at all.

I’ll take her downstairs…and show her exactly who is in control here.

I’ll show her what it’s like to be owned…

Sick Boys

Clarissa Wild

I didn’t believe them when they said they would corrupt me.
I was wrong. So wrong.

The night my sister died, a piece of me died with her, so I made a vow.
I’m going to enroll at Spine Ridge University just like her, find the person responsible … and make them pay.

Until I meet three sick boys of the Skull & Serpent Society: Felix, Dylan, Alistair. Rude, heartless, vicious guys who are obsessed with making me regret I ever stepped foot on campus.

They make me a deal: My body in exchange for a glimpse at their violence.
Refusing them is impossible, denying them is insane.

They’re rough, greedy, and every second with them is filled with depravity.
Their venom is jabbed straight into my heart and I’m sucked into their world.
All for the sake of revenge.

Until it becomes something more.
Something priceless.
Something all four of us would kill for.


Greer Rivers

She is my muse, and I am her demon of music.

A year ago, I witnessed sweet Scarlett Day’s dark side. She’s been my obsession ever since.

I was content with being her secret. Content with protecting her from afar… until an enemy from my past sets his sights on her.

Our families have a deep history of hatred, and Scarlett is caught in the middle.

Meanwhile, her mind plays tricks on her. When a panic attack goes horribly wrong, I emerge from the shadows to save her.

Now that she’s mine, I can’t let her go.

I’ve mastered the darkness. She tempts me with her light.

But when my mask is gone, will she fear the monster underneath?

Ruining Dahlia

C.R. Jane

I was sold to my enemies. And not just my enemies. I was sold to monsters.

I should know all about how to survive monsters though, I come from a family of them.

We aren’t Butchers in name only, and surely the Rossi family can’t be as bad as the devil that’s been destroying me since I was eight years old.

New York City, the powerful head of the Cosa Nostra, is my new home. Where Lucian, Raphael, and Gabriel Rossi now think they own me.

The thing they don’t realize is that I’m more than what I seem.

A dahlia has always bloomed best in the light, and even though everything about this place and these men is shrouded in darkness, I’m determined to thrive…to win.

They play a game for keeps, a game where the only rule is that there are no rules.

They want to ruin me. But what disturbs me most is that I just might like it.

It’s me against them, and only time will tell If I’ll be the winner or be destroyed in these cruel and merciless Mafia Wars.

Start a Fire

J. Wolf

I have my senior year planned: keep my head down, don’t make any waves, and get the diploma. I’ve done the popularity thing at Savage River High, but after two years away, I have no interest in reclaiming my crown.

The last time I put myself in the spotlight, I was left in shambles.

Unfortunately, my carefully laid plans go to hell when I grab the attention of dark, forbidding, and brutally hot Sebastian Vega. He looks at me like he wants to kill my puppy or eat me alive. Quite possibly both.

Sebastian is everywhere I go, and he’s decided I’m the twisted game he wants to play, whether I’m a willing participant or not.

The question is…what will I have to lose in order to win?

Crooked Crows

Elena Lawson

Unapologetically f*cked up. Heartlessly cruel. Broken beyond repair.

Corvus, Rook, and Grey – The Crows.

Bred in a world of gang wars, violence, and secrets, they rule the bloody town of Thorn Valley and all the people in it…too bad for me I’ve never been good at kissing ass or keeping quiet.

Even if their savage spirits awaken something inside of me I thought was long dead, I can’t break. I won’t.

They think they scare me, that I’ll run and hide, but the joke’s on them. The Crows aren’t the first monsters I’ve faced, and they won’t be the last. There are worse evils out there waiting to take their stab at Ava Jade Mason.

I say let them try. I’m tired of running. Tired of holding back my darkness. Thorn Valley isn’t ready for a new boogie man. Too bad I’m already here.

Dance Butterfly Dance

Reese Rivers

Savy St. James is a sad lonely girl with too many secrets to count. She hides away in her oversized frumpy clothes and thick glasses wishing she was brave enough to be seen without her mask.
One small favor backfires and forces her into a fake date deal by the school’s hot shot quarterback. Him and his three best friends treat her like a pet to play with and are careless with her until she’s had enough and breaks the deal. But when her secrets are revealed and her masks are stripped away, they will all burn for it.

Tate Valor thinks this nerdy girl is the perfect choice to use as his shield keeping all the groupies and gold diggers off his back. Savy’s a built in tutor to help him drag his marks back up so he doesn’t get benched. He never expected the make out show he forces her to put on in public to affect him more than it does her.

Jude Dixon is the wild child, f**k boy of the team. His crazy antics that match his white blond hair, multiple piercings and slightly psycho personality couldn’t be any different from the shy little doll Tate’s brought into his orbit. He’s the first to see the treasure that she is and stakes his claim when he falls hard and fast for her even when she doesn’t want to be claimed.

Beckett James had his shot at going pro blown right along with his knee. With football no longer a choice, he’s lost and depressed. Savy’s sweet heart and peach smelling hair has more than his interest stirring. He wants to peel back the masks she hides under and see the real her.

Asher James doesn’t give a sh*t about the bookworm his friends are obsessing over. He only has one obsession, the Butterfly that dances in the cage for him. It doesn’t matter that she’s never spoken to him in two years. He wants her and only her…until Savy starts getting under his skin and he sees that maybe he’s been the one in the cage all along.

Find Me

Ashley N. Rostek

One year ago…

My family is gone. My parents. My twin sister. All of them murdered by the man who has stalked me for years. He nearly killed me, too. But I got away and he’s still out there, searching for me. He won’t find me. At least, I hope not. Thanks to WITSEC, I’ve been given a new life with a new identity.

The present…

My uncle, my only living relative, has helped me glue myself back together and given me the tools I’ll need to survive. I’m not fixed and my grief is heavy, but I’m at a point where I can put one foot in front of the other to try to move on. I know my future will be hard and lonely. I must stay strong and focus on the good. I’m getting a second chance at life. I am safe. My new home is beautiful. The four brothers who live next door are even more so. Little do I know that Colt, Creed, Keelan, and Knox will soon become my everything. It’s as if my lonely heart screamed out for someone good to find me. Four answered back.


Eva Charles

Antonio Huntsman was the prince in every childhood daydream–or so I thought.
Now, I know better. He’s powerful and wealthy, but he’s no prince.

He’s a ruthless monster who thinks he can have everything he wants.
My vineyards.
My obedience.
My secrets.

He thinks I’ll marry him just because my father made a deathbed deal.

He thinks I’ll surrender to the temptation he offers so freely.

But I won’t play his games – regardless of how seductive he makes them.
I have too much to lose.

Pretty Little Psycho

R.E. Bond

Growing up in a big family means things slip through the cracks.
My parents have never made me feel unwanted or unloved, but we aren’t always honest.
After all, they run the most notorious street crews in Ashburn Valley.

When their enemies took my brother’s life, everything changed.
We all coped differently, and no one would understand my need for taunting death.
They can’t find out I’ve been racing illegally on the streets instead of the track.

My mom and I are close, and she’s always supported my decisions.
It was no surprise to anyone when I came out as gay, and she said she’d always known.
I guess she can’t judge me since I have nine dads.

My best friend Luna Hendricks is the hottest girl I’ve ever laid eyes on.
Everyone says I’m breaking my own heart, but I can’t seem to let her go.
She doesn’t seem so straight when I finally get her under me and she begs for more.
No wonder her boyfriend hates me.

My name’s Riley Donovan, and I’m in love with my best friend.
Even I know good girls are bad girls that never got caught.

Iced Out

C.E. Ricci

All’s fair in hate and hockey.

My path to success never included an enemy as a teammate, especially one as infuriating as Quinton de Haas.

Clawing under my skin is his favorite pastime, only feeding the animosity between us as the years pass.

We’re as completely opposite as two people can be; the golden boy and the black sheep.

Constantly at odds or at each other’s throats.

The only thing we can agree on is hockey is our true love, and we’ll do whatever it takes to come out on top.

I never imagined that drive would lead me to do the unthinkable: falling into bed with my not-so-straight rival.

But athletes are a superstitious bunch, and when our hook-ups lead to victories, we tell ourselves we can’t stop.

Besides, it’s all for the sake of the team, right?


Cassandra Robbins

Jett Powers is brilliant, nasty, and forbidden.

He takes what he wants, has no regrets, and makes no excuses.

Not to mention he’s tall, dark, and irresistible.

From our first secret encounter, I’m addicted.

He’s the last man that should be making my stomach flip, and heart pound.

Unfortunately, my mind and body are not in sync.

Because Mr. Powers is not mine.

He can’t be.

He’s my mother’s fiancé.

Binding Rose

Ivy Fox

I was sold to my enemies.

You would think that being forced into a loveless marriage to ensure an alliance would be unheard of in this day and age. And in most cases, you would be correct in that assumption.

But not for me.

A cartel princess has no vote on who she can or cannot marry—much less love.
Any decision in my life was forfeited just by being born into the most powerful Mexican cartel there is.

Still, it does sting that I’m to be hand-delivered to the Irish mob and marry into the Kelly family, who my own brother has coined to be nothing more than bloodthirsty savages.

They’re animals, Rosa. Filthy, unscrupulous, vicious animals.

Those were his exact words, yet he still followed our father’s orders to walk me down the aisle, making sure I didn’t run from my obligation.

As if that was even an option.

All my choices were stolen away from me the minute I became another pawn to be used and abused at the hands of evil men.

Which leaves me to question…

Can a rose blossom in the dark?
Or will I have to rely on my thorns to protect me against the fate that’s been bestowed upon me?

Only time will tell if I’ll survive this cursed life or become another lost soul in these cruel and merciless Mafia Wars.

Broken Knight

L.J. Shen

Luna Rexroth is everyone’s favorite wallflower.
Underneath the meek, tomboy exterior everyone loves (yet pities) is a girl who knows exactly what, and who, she wants—namely, the boy from the treehouse who taught her how to curse in sign language.
Who taught her how to laugh.
To live.
To love.

Knight Cole is everyone’s favorite football hero.
This daredevil hell-raiser could knock you up with his gaze alone, but he only has eyes for the girl across the street: Luna.
But Luna is not who she used to be. She doesn’t need his protection anymore.
When life throws a curveball at All Saints’ golden boy, he’s forced to realize not all knights are heroes.
Sometimes, the greatest love stories flourish in tragedy.

Fractured Freedom

Shain Rose

Is it so bad that I tricked my older brother’s best friend into taking my virginity?

In my defense, it was Dante Reid—my crush, my first love, and the one I ended up pushing away.
Our paths split in opposite directions.
I went to college on one coast while he returned to work with the US Army on the other.
The end.
Or so I thought.

After graduating and attempting a bucket list of self-discovery, guess who I find standing outside the jail, bailing me out from a crime I didn’t commit?
Dante freaking Reid—this time with more muscles, more tattoos, and more demands.
One of which is to move in across the hall from him so he can keep me safe. Like I need protection after a little felony mix-up.

I don’t.
Unless it’s from him.
Because Dante has been my downfall before …

And living next to the guy I gave my innocence to a long time ago may actually end in my complete devastation.


Maria Luis

I bow to no man.

The words are tattooed on my skin, just as they’re branded on my heart.

But I never planned for Sergeant Lincoln Asher, a man as deceptive as he is cold. His dominance sets my teeth on edge . . . and my body on fire. He won’t stop until I’m his, but I’m not his to take.

My secrets bind me—and blind me.

I live in the shadows of New Orleans. Hidden and protected in the underworld I call home. I know who I am.

I vow never to kneel before a man…

The Wrong Bride

Catharina Maura

She’s his fiancée’s younger sister. He’s the man she’s always loved.

When her sister doesn’t show up on her wedding day, Raven has no choice but to take her place — but marriage to Ares Windsor is nothing short of torture.

The elusive billionaire media mogul is the man she’s always loved… yet he’s only ever had eyes for her sister.

Married to him at last, Raven is determined to win him over.

After all, everything is fair in love and war.

God Of Malice

Rina Kent

I caught the attention of a monster.

I didn’t ask for it.

Didn’t even see it coming.

But the moment I do, it’s too late.

Killian Carson is a predator wrapped in sophisticated charm.

He’s cold-blooded, manipulative, and savage.

The worst part is that no one sees his devil side.

I do.

And that will cost me everything.

I run, but the thing about monsters?

They always chase.

Den of Vipers

K. A. Knight

Ryder, Garrett, Kenzo, and Diesel—The Vipers.

They run this town and everyone in it. Their deals are as sordid as their business, and their reputation is enough to bring a grown man to his knees, forcing him to beg for mercy. They are not people you mess with, yet my dad did. The old man ran up a debt with them and then sold me to cover his losses.

Yes, sold me.

They own me now.

I’m theirs in every sense of the word. But I’ve never been meek and compliant. These men, they look at me with longing. Their scarred, blood-stained hands holding me tight. They want everything I am, everything I have to give, and won’t stop until they get just that. They can own my body, but they will never have my heart.

The Vipers? I’m going to make them regret the day they took me.

This girl? She bites too.

Cruel Prince

Ashley Jade

Welcome to their kingdom…

I never thought I’d step foot in Royal Manor again.
But four years later, here I am…back to finish my senior year at Royal Hearts Academy.

And forced to face Jace Covington.
My first friend. First crush. First kiss.
The one I left behind.

Only—he isn’t the same boy I gave my heart to.

This new Jace is as cruel as he is gorgeous.
And he’s determined to make my life a living hell.
Along with the rest of his glorified family and crew of tyrants.

They expect me to worship the ground they walk on like everyone else, but I’d rather eat dirt.

If Jace Covington wants me gone…he’ll have to try harder.
Because I’ve never been the kind of girl to play by the rules.

Brutal Obsession

S. Massery

He shattered my leg, and now he wants to ruin the rest of me.

Greyson Devereux is a menace–but only to me.
To everyone else, he’s charismatic.
He’s the son of a senator and the star of the university’s hockey team.

When all I want is to be invisible, he drags me into the spotlight.
He wants my blood, my fear, my attention.

Resisting him only worsens his obsession.
Fighting solidifies it.

He’s brutal, and he draws out a sick darkness in me that enjoys it.
But I’ll be damned if I let him become my downfall.